Why Purple?

At Purple Brush Art, the legacy and symbolism of the color purple inspire our ​commitment to creativity, equality, and providing exceptional, personalized ​experiences for all our students.

Purple and History

Purple symbolizes royalty, creativity, social movements, and carries deep significance globally. People ​surveyed in the United States and in Europe associate purple color with royalty, rarity, piety, magic, ​and mystery.

Purple: A Symbol of Women's Rights and Equality

As a woman-owned business, we proudly embrace the color purple, a historic symbol of women's ​rights and feminism. During the Women's Suffrage movement, purple and white were adopted as ​official colors, representing dignity and purity. In the 1970s, the Women's Liberation movement ​honored these early suffragists by adopting purple as well. This movement aimed to achieve greater ​equality in education, the workplace, personal finance, reproductive rights, and societal conceptions ​of women's roles. The color purple symbolizes a commitment to these values, resonating with ​anyone who supports equality and justice.

Purple Inspire Creativity and Imagination

Purple lies at the far end of the visual spectrum, and it's also believed to exist at the edge of the ​imagination as well. As with the other concepts associated with the color, creativity and wild ​imagination are tied to purple because of its scarcity in nature. Purple possesses a unique ability to ​stimulate our creativity and inspire the imagination. This color is associated with creativity and ​imagination, which is the core of our focus. making spaces feel more inspired and vibrant. Its ​presence can stimulate artistic thoughts and innovation, making it a favorite for creative spaces.

Purple and Royalty

Purple was adopted as a color of royalty because of how difficult it was to make. The original purple ​pigment was created thousands of years ago in modern-day Lebanon from a sea snail called the ​spiny dye-murex. Harvesting and soaking these snails, a tiny gland was removed and juiced. When ​the juice was left in sunlight, it transformed from white to yellow-green, then green, and finally to ​purple. If not removed at the right moment, it would turn crimson red. Creating one gram of so-​called Tyrian purple required ten thousand snails! This rarity and the labor-intensive process made ​purple a symbol of wealth and power. Therefore, we embrace the color purple to symbolize not only ​creativity and equality, but also the richness of artistic expression and the value we place on our ​unique, high-quality offerings. Just as Tyrian purple was prized for its rarity and beauty, we strive to ​create an exceptional and enriching experience for every individual who walks through our doors.